Philodendron “Imperial Red,” is one of several hybrid philodendrons that have been developed by growers over the last few years. It is a member of the Araceae family of aroids. When small it is an excellent plant that can be placed on a table or desk. As a Philodendron “Imperial Red” matures and the leaves spread out laterally, it makes an impressive floor plant. The glossy, wide, bright green and red, oval-shaped leaves are spaced very close together on a single stem. This barely visible stem, which is usually only seen when the older, bottom leaves fall off, keeps a Philodendron Imperial Red upright and elegant looking. This is an easy-care plant that can adapt to all kinds of conditions if you keep it warm. Imperial Red is called a “self-header”. It has stiff stems that are strong and firm enough to keep the plant growing straight up as it matures.
Exposure: Bright, indirect light
Water: Allow soil to dry between watering, water when top 2 inches feel dry, do not over water
Foliage: Green with red
Flower: None
Height: 2-3 ft
Spread: 2-3 ft
Fertilize: Slow release fertilizer, only 1-2 applications during growing season
Soil: Loose and porous to allow excellent drainage